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Mixed Berry and Chia Smoothie Bowl

A smoothy bowl is a fun and easy way to get a whole lot of nutrients in a single serving. They are so easy to customize to your taste and dietary preferences. In this recipe, you can swap out the milk and yoghurt for a dairy alternative to make it vegan. You could also opt for a gluten free muesli instead. I try to sneakily add chia seeds into anything I can. They don’t taste of much, but are loaded with fiber, protein, antioxidants and omega-3, so you’ll actually be doing everyone a favor by adding this to their food. Don’t be too heavy-handed though, an overdose of fiber… you get where I’m going. Been there, done that… nope. Too much of a good thing can in fact be TOO much, just as this is now TMI. What I love about a smoothie bowl is that it’s so easy to make it look pretty and eating pretty things are just so much better. Add whichever fruits and nuts and seeds you like, you could even add some edible

flowers, use a cookie cutter to cut your fruits or make cute animal faces for the kiddies. The possibilities are endless.

You’ll need:

Electric Blender

Measuring cups and spoons

Serving bowl

Yields: 2 servings


1c Frozen mixed berries

¼ c Milk (or any milk alternative)

¼ c Double Thick Plain Yoghurt (or Coconut yoghurt for a vegan version)

1 Tbsp Chia Seeds

2Tbsp Muesli of your choice

1Tbsp Toasted Almonds (optional)

Fresh fruit and berries of your choice

1tsp Honey or Maple syrup


Slice the fruits for your toppings and set aside. Combine the frozen berries, milk, yoghurt and chia seeds

in a blender and mix until smooth. Add your topping and enjoy! Easy as that!


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